Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 67(2): 287-413, doi: 10.3897/travaux.67.e138314
The Catalogue of “Pompiliu Lie” Carabus Collection (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the world (except Romania) of Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest (Romania).
expand article infoMelania Stan
‡ “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest, Romania
Open Access
The Catalogue of „Pompiliu Lie” Carabus Collection from the world (except Romania) includes 5255 specimens (2527 males and 2728 females) which belong to 76 subgenera and 621 species and subspecies, after the nomenclature has been updated. The specimens came from four continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America) and 54 countries. Most specimens were obtained through exchanges with entomologists and enthusiasts of the genus Carabus from all over the world. This collection contains 38 paratypes of 21 species and subspecies.
Carabus, Grigore Antipa Museum, Pompiliu Lie collection