Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 62(1): 137-159, doi: 10.3897/travaux.62.e38595
Taxons dedicated to Grigore Antipa
expand article infoAna-Maria Petrescu, Melania Stan, Iorgu Petrescu
‡ “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, Bucharest, Romania
Open Access
A comprehensive list of the taxons dedicated to Grigore Antipa by collaborators, science personalities who appreciated his work was constituted from surveying the natural history or science museums or university collections from several countries (Romania, Germany, Australia, Israel and United States). The list consists of 33 taxons, with current nomenclature and position in a collection. Historical aspects have been discussed, in order to provide a depth to the process of collection dissapearance during more than one century of Romanian zoological research. Natural calamities, wars and the evictions of the museum’s buildings that followed, and sometimes the neglection of the collections following the decease of their founder, are the major problems that contributed gradually to the transformation of the taxon/specimen into a historical landmark and not as an accessible object of further taxonomical inquiry.
Grigore Antipa, museum, type collection, type specimens, new taxa, natural history, zoological col-lections